Warehouse for rent in Ludhiana

Warehouse for rent in Ludhiana


Basic Details
Type of warehouse PEB structure
Status of warehouse
  • RTM - Yes
  • UC - No
  • BTS - Yes
Technical attributes
Height details Clear height :28 ft.
Center height :36 ft.
Floors details Internal:
  • Trimix - Yes
  • VDF - No
  • FM-II - No
  • RCC - No
Strength : 4 tonne per sq mtr
  • RMC - Yes
  • Paver blocks - No
Dock details 03 (nos), 123 ft x 123 ft (size)
Dock ht : …. Ft, Ramp - Yes
Dock leveler :Will be provided
  • Manual - Yes
  • Automatic shutter - No
Platform - Yes
  • Running - No
  • Individual canopy - Yes
Open Area Apron area :
Side set backs :
Rear set back : :
Parking space:
Office space
  • Inside - Yes
  • Outside - No
  • Mezzanine - Yes
  • Fabricated - No
  • RCC - No
Fire safety
  • Hydrants - Yes
  • Sprinklers - No
Water tank : 1Lac ltrs
  • D G set - Yes
  • Jockey Pump - No
  • 8 mm bubble - Yes
  • Rock wool - No
  • At roof - Yes
  • At side walls - No
Ventillation 2% - 3% of area - Yes
  • Turbo vents - Yes
  • Ridge Vent - No
Louvers : Yes
Technical attributes
Electricity Internal lights:
  • LED - Yes
  • Normal - No
External lights:
  • LED - Yes
  • Normal - No
Meter load : …..KVA
Facilities area
  • Staff Toilet - Yes
  • Nos - Multiple
  • Labour toilets - Yes
  • Nos - Multiple
Cafeteria/Pantry : Yes
  • Guard Room - Yes
  • Driver Room - Yes
Electrical panel room : Yes
Pump room : Yes
RCC bed (D G set & R F ) : Yes
Other warehouse details Barbed fencing at wall : Yes
Rain harvesting : NO
Ladder cage : Yes
  • STP - Yes
  • ETP - Yes
Local union issues
  • Labour - Yes
  • Transport - Yes
Legal compliances
Change of land use
  • Agro - Yes
  • Non Agro - No
  • Industrial - Yes
Sanction plan No
Sanction Letter No
Completion certificate Yes
Fire NOC certificate
  • Provisional - Yes
  • Final - Yes
Structural stability certificate Will be provided
Floor load certificate Will be provided
Consent to establish (CTE) Will be provided
Consent to operate (CTO) Will be provided
Pollution Certificate Will be provided
Highway NOC Will be provided
Forest NOC Will be provided
Environmental Clearance (EC) Will be provided
Non-encumbrance certificate Will be provided



Heeran Road
"Warehouse for rent in Ludhiana”
